Baby Blues

259,00 kr

Baby Blues

259,00 kr

50% of the revenue from this poster goes to Mødrehjælpen .

The poster was made for Mødrehjælpen's campaign 'everyone can be affected by life'. A campaign sponsored by Irma.

The poster 'Baby blues' was made shortly after I, Ida, became the mother of our little son. I was so overwhelmed by the huge responsibility that had suddenly landed on me, and for weeks afterwards I walked in a fog of anxiety and discouragement, until one day - out of the blue - it stopped.

I subsequently found that the feelings I was dealing with were quite normal. I had Baby Blues. I wanted to illustrate that with this poster, and I dream that others who feel the same way can be reminded that they are not alone. Because I felt completely crazy and enormously alone in feeling.


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